ipnwww.in2p3.fr rapport :   Visitez le site

Titre:ipn orsay

La description :l'institut de physique nucléaire d'orsay est un organisme public de recherche (etablissement public à caractère scientifique et technologique, placé sous la tutelle du ministère de l'enseignement sup...

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L'adresse IP principale:,Votre serveur France,Villeurbanne ISP:Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules  TLD:fr Code postal:fr

Ce rapport est mis à jour en 09-Aug-2018

Created Date:1995-01-01
Changed Date:2016-12-31
Expires Date:2017-12-31

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Geo IP vous fournit comme la latitude, la longitude et l'ISP (Internet Service Provider) etc. informations. Notre service GeoIP a trouvé l'hôte ipnwww.in2p3.fr.Actuellement, hébergé dans France et son fournisseur de services est Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules .

Latitude: 45.766670227051
Longitude: 4.8833298683167
Pays: France (fr)
Ville: Villeurbanne
Région: Rhone-Alpes
ISP: Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules

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-- -- -- × atrium/in2p3 - connexion support ipn - contacter v.poux atrium quick start (pdf) services en ligne annuaire ipn zimbra mail+agenda ipn mails (old) obm: agenda (old) -- owncloud : fichiers ipn sondage réservation de salle atrium accueil du site se rendre à l'ipn nous contacter imprimer connexion spip -- -- partenaires -- menu -- le laboratoire direction comité-conseils organisation communication rapports d’activité aeres - evaluation 60 ans ipn-lal sites hébergés histoire infos pratiques service de prévention et de radioprotection scr : section de contrôle en radioprotection sp : section de prévention activités scientifiques et techniques contrats de recherche programme européen : horizon 2020 programmes européens (fp7) anr investissements d’avenir autres contrats enseignement cours ecoles stages et thèses bibliothèque actualités-nouveautés ouvrages plan de classement des monographies périodiques périodiques éléctroniques de la bibliothèque publications ipn le circuit de la production scientifique ressources documentaires patrimoine offres d’emplois offres ipn valorisation dosimétrie membres du service nos services plateforme technique documentations liens utiles autres installations supratech andromede accès à andromede organisation historique du projet activités scientifiques evénements et bibliographie annuaire -- -- intranet-extranet annuaire ipn annuaire in2p3 extranet -- rechercher sur ce site sur le web du cnrs -- séminaires séminaires -- « août 2018 » l m m j v s d 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 se connecter -- -- -- nouvelles scientifiques -- publications -- actualités et faits marquants 5 juillet 2018 -- precision measurement of the first ionization potential of nobelium one of the most important atomic properties governing an element’s chemical behavior is the energy required to remove its least-bound electron, referred to as the first ionization potential. for the heaviest elements, this fundamental quantity is strongly influenced by relativistic effects which (...) lire la suite 5 juillet 2018 -- probing sizes and shapes of nobelium isotopes by laser spectroscopy physical and chemical properties of the transfermium elements (z > 100) are influenced by relativistic effects altering the configuration of the electron shell. laser spectroscopy allows probing precisely atomic properties and thus gives access to a better understanding of relativistic (...) lire la suite 5 juin 2018 -- a new leading contribution to neutrinoless double-beta decay v. cirigliano, w. dekens, j. de vries, m.l. graesser, e. mereghetti, s. pastore, and u. van kolck, phys. rev. lett. 120 (2018) 202001 one of the most important advancements in modern particle physics was the observation of neutrino oscillations and the inference that neutrinos have mass. (...) v. cirigliano, w. dekens, j. de vries, m.l. graesser, e. mereghetti, s. pastore, and u. van kolck, phys. rev. lett. 120 (2018) 202001 lire la suite 4 mai 2018 -- mesures de masse : l’ipn participe à des expériences originales menées à riken-ribf mass measurements ipn collaborates on first direct mass measurements around z=100 with a multireflection time of flight mass spectrograph (mrtof-ms) at riken-ribf one of the most important features of superheavy nuceli (she) is the appearance of an "island of stability" where shape and shell (...) lire la suite 12 janvier 2018 -- l’ipn a livré les klystrons du projet fair à gsi dans le cadre du projet fair, un linac proton (plinac) est prévu pour accélérer les protons jusqu’à 70 mev. la durée du pulse faisceau est de 70 µs et le courant pendant l’impulsion est de 70 ma.. le linac se composera d’un rfq et de 6 cavités crossed-bar-h (ch) accélérant le faisceau jusqu’à son énergie (...) lire la suite 20 décembre 2017 -- first exclusive measurement of deeply virtual compton scattering off 4he : toward the 3d tomography of nuclei m. hattawy et al. (clas collaboration), phys. rev. lett. 119, 202004 (2017) a wealth of information on the structure of matter lies in the correlations between the momentum and spatial distributions of the fundamental constituents of matter : quarks and gluons. these correlations are (...) phys. rev. lett. 119, 202004 (2017) lire la suite -- publications récentes 18 avril 2018 -- electric dipole strength and dipole polarizability in 48ca within a fully self-consistent second random–phase approximation the second random–phase–approximation model corrected by a subtraction procedure designed to cure double counting, instabilities, and ultraviolet divergences, is employed for the first time to analyze the dipole strength and polarizability in 48ca. all the terms of the residual interaction (...) d. gambacurta, m. grasso, o. vasseur lire la suite 5 mars 2018 -- single-particle strength from nucleon transfer in oxygen > isotopes : sensitivity to model parameters in the analysis of transfer reaction data to extract nuclear structure information the choice of input parameters to the reaction model such as distorting potentials and overlap functions has a significant impact. in this paper we consider a set of data for the (d,t) and (d,3he) reactions on (...) f. flavigny, n. keeley, a. gillibert, and a. obertelli lire la suite 23 novembre 2017 -- violent fluctuations in fluids of neutrons and protons explain how atomic nuclei disintegrate perturbing fluids of neutrons and protons (nuclear matter) may lead, as the most catastrophic effect, to the rearrangement of the fluid into clusters of nucleons. a similar process may occur in a single atomic nucleus undergoing a violent perturbation, like in heavy-ion collisions tracked (...) p. napolitani and m. colonna lire la suite 25 octobre 2017 -- unexpected high-energy γ emission from decaying exotic nuclei the n = 52 83ga β decay was studied at alto. the radioactive 83ga beam was produced through the isol photofission technique and collected on a movable tape for the measurement of γ -ray emission following β decay. while β-delayed neutron emission (...) a. gottardo, d. verney, i. deloncle, s. péru, c. delafosse, s. roccia, i. matea, c. sotty, c. andreoiu, c. costache, m.-c. delattre, a. etilé, s. franchoo, c. gaulard, j. guillot, f. ibrahim, m. lebois, m. maccormick, n. marginean, r. marginean, m. martini, c. mihai, i. mitu, l. olivier, c. portail, l. qi, b. roussière, l. stan, d. testov, j. wilson, d.t. yordanov lire la suite 29 septembre 2017 -- narrow exotic tetraquark mesons in large-n_c qcd discussing four-point green functions of bilinear quark currents in large-n_c qcd, we formulate rigorous criteria for selecting diagrams appropriate for the analysis of potential tetraquark poles. we find that both flavor-exotic and cryptoexotic (i.e., flavor-nonexotic) tetraquarks, if such (...) hagop sazdjian lire la suite 13 juin 2017 -- delta(1232) dalitz decay in proton-proton collisions at t=1.25 gev measured with hades at gsi we report on the investigation of δ(1232) production and decay in proton-proton collisions at a kinetic energy of 1.25 gev measured with hades. exclusive dilepton decay channels ppe+e− and ppe+e−γ have been studied and compared with the partial-wave analysis of the hadronic ppπ0 channel. they allow (...) lire la suite 3 juin 2017 -- lee-yang–inspired functional with a density-dependent neutron-neutron scattering length inspired by the low-density lee-yang expansion for the energy of a dilute fermi gas of density ρ and momentum kf, we introduce here a skyrme-type functional that contains only s-wave terms and provides, at the mean-field level, (i) a satisfactory equation of state (...) m. grasso, d. lacroix, and c. j. yang lire la suite -- first lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. second phasellus mattis tincidunt nibh. third nam dui erat, auctor a, dignissim quis. -- hightlights & achievments 20012-2015 (new) en savoir plus -- tribute to professor mitsuo saka

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address: IN2P3 Centre de Calcul
address: 27, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
address: 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
country: FR
phone: +33 4 78 93 08 80
fax-no: +33 4 72 69 41 70
e-mail: boutigny@in2p3.fr
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changed: 21/03/2006 domaine@renater.fr
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nic-hdl: CDCD163-FRNIC
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address: 29, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
address: 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
country: FR
phone: +33 4 78 93 08 80
fax-no: +33 4 72 69 41 70
e-mail: jerome.bernier@in2p3.fr
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anonymous: NO
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contact: Jerome Bernier
address: IN2P3 Centre de Calcul
address: 27, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
address: 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
country: FR
phone: +33 4 78 93 08 80
fax-no: +33 4 72 69 41 70
e-mail: jerome.bernier@in2p3.fr
registrar: GIP RENATER
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  CONTACT Dominique Boutigny

IN2P3 Centre de Calcul
27, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex


  PHONE +33 4 78 93 08 80

  FAX +33 4 72 69 41 70

  EMAIL boutigny@in2p3.fr


  CHANGED 2006-03-21







  CONTACT Jerome Bernier

IN2P3 Centre de Calcul
27, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex


  PHONE +33 4 78 93 08 80

  FAX +33 4 72 69 41 70

  EMAIL jerome.bernier@in2p3.fr


  CHANGED 2006-03-21







  CONTACT Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3

29, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex


  PHONE +33 4 78 93 08 80

  FAX +33 4 72 69 41 70

  EMAIL jerome.bernier@in2p3.fr


  CHANGED 2008-10-09








  EXPIRY DATE 31/12/2017

  CREATED 1995-01-01

  CHANGED 2016-12-31









  NAME in2p3.fr

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